Introduction of the Church

Church Introduction Video

The church raises workers of God through spiritual training. Renewing people / Renewing the church / Renewing the world

Introduction of the Church

Following the example of Jesus having ministered on the earth, the Joyful Church preaches, teaches, and heals.


13.People who Bury Jesus

September 5, 2021
Pastor David E. Chung

12.A New Church through the New Wineskin

May 30, 2021
Pastor David E. Chung

11.Envy that kills Jesus

June 27, 2021
Pastor David E. Chung

10.Restore Your First Love

January 17, 2021
Pastor David E. Chung

9.Faith that Fulfills the Word

Friday, 30 Feb. 2021
Pastor David E. Chung

8.A Restarting life

Friday, 26 Feb. 2021
Pastor David E. Chung

7.Use the talent that you have received

Wenday, 5 Feb. 2021
Pastor David E. Chung

6.Go up to Bethel

Friday, 5 Feb. 2021
Pastor David E. Chung

5.Enter the Most Holy Place

Thursday, 28 Jan. 2021
Pastor David E. Chung

4.Leave What You Should Leave

Friday, 22 Jan. 2021
Pastor David E. Chung


Friday Praise

Friday, 11 Jan. 2019

Friday Praise

Friday, 4 Jan. 2019
Bara New Song

Sunday Praise

Sunday, 6 Jan. 2019
Bara New Song

Sunday Praise

Sunday, 9 Dec. 2018
Bara New Song

Summer Retreat Praise

Friday, 3 Aug. 2018
Bara New Song

Summer Retreat Praise

Sunday, 5 Aug. 2018

Sunday Praise

Sunday, 2 Sep. 2018
Bara New Song

Friday Praise

Friday, 10 Aug. 2018

Joyful Church, 96, Guseong-ro, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
Tel. 82-31-713-0691 / Fax. 82-31-713-0692 / E-mail.
Copyright Joyful Church. All rights reserved.